Love embroidered in colourful threads creating a horizontal gradient of warm blues, yellows and oranges.

From T'karonto, with LOVE

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr.

I'm in a dilemma as to whether I should stop listening to the news. The media certainly have the tools to provoke us and it's hard to stay indifferent. Today, more than ever, Remembrance/Armistice Day is important to me. Together, we can do better and avoid repeating history. Resistance is utile and necessary.

Given all that is happening, it feels still too early and not fitting to start planning for the festivities (Wasn't Summer just yesterday?). However, the holiday season is fast approaching. Last year, I was taken by surprise and realized too late in the New Year to send out holiday cards. This year, I'm going to start right now! I'll be making home made cards. It's a therapeutic activity that brings me well-being and the satisfaction of having created a mini work of art. I invite you to do the same with recycled materials that would otherwise end up in landfills.

With Love and Hope,


T'karonto (also known as Toronto) means “where the trees grow in the water”. It is the home of many Turtle Island indigenous people. The current holders of Treaty 13 are the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation while the Williams Treaties are signed with seven First Nations of the Chippewa of Lake Simcoe and the Mississauga of the north shore of Lake Ontario. We also recognize the presence of the Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Anichinabe peoples. This territory is covered by the Wampum Belt Treaty (“Dish with One Spoon”), an agreement defining the peaceful sharing and preservation of the Great Lakes region.

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