In spite of the disruption of the lockdowns, I was able to start the new year of 2022 with several exciting projects. From January to March, a solo exhibition of my work titled Au fil des connexions / Over Connections was presented at La Maison des artistes visuels francophones in Winnipeg. My three dimensional textile sculpture installation as well as works presented to the public for the first time by the Networks collection and A Word is Worth a Thousand Images were part of the show.
I am also proud that my project Protest Masks was exhibited at the Galt Museum in Lethbridge (Sikóóhkotok) from January to May as part of a touring exhibition Breathe (2d wave) curated by Nathalie Bertin and Lisa Shepherd.
And last but not least, my work was also part of The Textile Show, an annual collective exhibition by Gerrard Art Space featuring local fiber artists.

Images of the exhibition at La Maison des artistes visuels francophones in Winnipeg. Photography by Sarah Lamontagne 2022